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In one year cycles, each member of the crew rotated from their stasis pod to being active to monitor the ship's functions and back to stasis. The work was mostly just baby-sitting autonomous systems which rarely needed any interaction. Roughly 6 months ago you began your active duty while the rest of the crew was in stasis. Besides eating and sleeping, you spent most of your time jacked into the virtual reality world provided on the ship to keep the awakened crew members from going crazy during such a long trip alone. While using the VR world, you thoroughly enjoyed virtually ravishing or being virtually ravished by notable figures spanning the past two centuries that are available in the database. You were just about to re-enter the simulation to check out some really old characters from the early 21st century when something went terribly wrong.In mere seconds, your focus shifted from a set of anomalous sensor readings, to a set of cascading failure messages, followed by a loud. .then I swallowed all of him, my mouth hungry for as much as I could get into my mouth. My tongue worked against his shaft, as my mouth wrapped tightly up and down slowly on his delicious cock. "Oh yes....suck my cock", he moaned as I looked up at him, as I licked and sucked his hard cock. His eyes were on fire, so heated and hungry. I released his cock, only to start to lick his balls while my hand grasped his cock tightly and stroked him." Fuck..you are driving me crazy", he moaned. I took each of his balls in my mouth and sucked on them, while my tongue licked them inside my mouth. He felt so hard and thick in my hand that I wondered how I got him in my mouth. I could hardly wait to feel that inside me, I thought, as I stroked him. I swallowed his cock again, quickly without warning, taking all of him down my mouth and throat. "Oh fuck" ,he murmured, as he threw his head back in pleasure. I loved making him so hot. I could feel my own wetness, between my legs. I was so excited,.
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